Monday, December 21, 2015


I fall on my knees in defeat, tired of the fight.

Why does it have to be so hard, I cry out with all my might.

Two steps forward and one step back seems to be the going rate.

Where are you trying to get to, He asks. Don’t you know I’ll never allow you to be late?

I have things I want to accomplish, I’m ready to begin.

Your not ready for the task just yet my friend.

Waiting can be so painful. It fills me with such strife.

I know, He said, I waited for you to come to me for half your life.

I’m working behind the scenes, good things are on the way.

Will you trust me not just now but every day?

Will I be enough for you when the answer is no?

Will you move when I say go?

You see, He said, I’m molding you into the person I created you to be.

The process isn’t always easy but it’s placing your dependence on me.

When you think the battle has been lost, I order my angels to hold you up.

Spend some time with me, I AM the living water and I will fill your cup.

You will not grow weary, you will not faint

When you place your hope in me, the Lord with no restraint.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Through the Eyes Of A Child

The clock read 5:36 a.m. I had four minutes until the dreadful sound of the alarm would go off.  Everything in me wanted to stay snuggled under the covers but there was work to be done. With one eye open and flashlight in hand, I made my way to my daughter’s room where I pried Mittens the elf out of her arms. I then gathered up Christopher, my son’s elf and stood there asking “what shenanigans can these crazy rascals get into this morning?”

Thirty minutes later, I saw Ava peek from around the corner and ask me in a soft tone with slight lisp the same question she had for days “where’s Mittens?” Their scavenger hunt began as they ran from room to room with such anticipation of what they would find. Moments later I heard my most favorite sound on the planet. Both of my little ones chuckled as they discovered their bathroom covered in toilet paper and the two elves sitting ever so innocently on the towel rack.

In the middle of that normal Thursday morning, after I made sure teeth were brushed, hair was combed and bags were packed, for just a brief moment, I was able to forget my responsibilities and return to a childlike frame of mind while the three of us had a good giggle. Oh, to be young again! Where simplicity, innocence and belief seem to be intertwined.

With Christmas upon us, a sense of wonder and enchantment fills the air. It’s a time of hope and giving. When mischievous elves have daring adventures no eye has seen. When Santa is able to deliver toys to every little angel on Earth (if their on the good list of course). To see and experience this season through their eyes is quite magical.

Is it possible that we as adults can bring ourselves to a childlike state not only at Christmas but year round? The Bible says whoever becomes elemental again like a child will rank high in God’s kingdom. (Matt. 18:2-5 MSG) This doesn’t mean to act immaturely but rather to have the faith of a youth and believe in the unseen. Kids are also the best examples of meekness and are teachable. We must take God at his word with reverence and simplicity and humble ourselves before the Lord. Finally, we are told to be imitators of God. (Ephesians 5:1) God is love. Who better represents unconditional love like our Father but children?

As exciting as it is to carry on traditions, hang stockings and wrap presents, there is no cause to celebrate had it not been for the birth of a babe who lowly entered this world. He, in all His holiness, who has given us our lives has also taught us the way in which to live them. Like youngsters who search for the elves, may we constantly seek our Savior, Jesus Christ in eager expectancy of the joy He brings and as we marvel at our own offspring may we strive to be more like them.

Has the harshness of life left you with unbelief and uncertainty? How can you begin to change your perspective to that of an adolescent?

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Faith From the Passenger's Side

A few days ago, there was a dense fog that laid like a blanket covering the grounds and filling the air. As I drove my children to school all I could make out were the yellow and white lines on the pavement and the taillights in front of me. Traffic slowed as most people used common sense and caution but we all continued to move forward. We trusted the road ahead was clear though the view wasn't.

I've had many adventures on the asphalt. I've witnessed drivers swerve in other lanes and I've done the same. Red lights have been run and speed limits ignored. Yet, with all these scenarios, I continue to get behind the wheel. Why? 1) My job appreciates it when I show up to work and these old feet won't get me there. 2) I presume I will be safe and all will be well. Driving takes faith, as does everything else in life.

Our lives can easily be compared to excursions on the highway. We can't foresee what tunnels, twists and turns lay ahead until we get there. In fact, as soon as we relax and the ride seems smooth we are sure to hit a bump or five. We'll lose jobs, sever relationships and receive bad news. The more life we experience, the more apprehension we have to press on. We'll want to pump the breaks and give up never to take any risks at all.

Fear paralyzes.

When we place our faith in God and allow Him to be in the driver's seat, He makes our paths straight and visible. Through the film of uncertainty. The smog of setbacks and the labyrinth of loss.

Faith mobilizes.

If we, as Christians, can believe in the Lord of Lords, though we haven't seen Him, can't we trust that even when our situation looks bleak, He will fill us with an inexpressible and glorious joy to see us through? (1 Peter 1:8) Faith is confidence in what we hope for an assurance about what we don't see. (Hebrews 11:1)

The journey will still have difficulties but oh, how comforting it is to know we won't face them alone! By giving up the illusion that we are in control gives us freedom to simply enjoy the ride.  And...let's not forget the view when we sit on the passenger side.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Feelings vs. Leading

Have you ever felt a passion deep within and just knew it came from above?  With a little persistence, patience and prayer you felt God would fulfill those desires. Have you watched those same dreams crash and burn when they didn’t come to fruition?

For an entire year, I was sure God placed a yearning in my heart He intended to bring to pass. I had entry after entry in my journal of “coincidences” (which I don’t believe in) happen.  I heard from other trusted Christian friends on their opinion of the situation and it paralleled with mine. I earnestly fasted, prayed and read the word.  I had done everything I knew to do to make sure my feelings were aligned with God’s will and that I heard from Him and not just my own longings.

But, I didn’t end up with what I prayed for.  How could I have been so wrong about something which felt so right? Reflecting back, it could have been either of the following:

    • God used this particular circumstance to draw me into a deeper walk with Him.  I was in such need of clarity and direction that I literally cried out to Him time after time.  In so doing, it revealed His sufficiency in my shakiness and also strengthened my spiritual muscles.
    •  As real as the Lord is, so is the enemy.  Satan knows our frail and vulnerable areas and will use every tactic to create idols and distract us from God.  My own cravings became so strong that I fed them which caused discernment to weaken. We must feast on more of the peace that comes from God while we starve the disorder from the devil.

Intuition, hunches and feelings are all good things that God has gifted us with.  They can be used to guide us on the right course. However, if we let them control our every move without solid leading from the Holy Spirit, it will deviate us from where He truly wants to take us and confusion will follow. Those who walk in wisdom will be delivered. (Proverbs 28:26)

God doesn’t withhold from His children who walk uprightly unless it is to bring something better and more glorifying to Him. (Ps. 84:11) God’s denial is the door to our destiny.

In hindsight, I now see how that long and painful season produced much growth and built my character. The Lord wants us all to become more Christ like and oftentimes that means swimming upstream through the waters of uncertainty.  He asked me a question that will ring true for all of us in any and every circumstance: “Whether you receive a yes or no to your prayer, will you continue to trust me?”

Not only did I learn such an invaluable lesson on faith, but, in all His goodness and true to His word, God delivered so much more than I could have asked for or imagined. (Ephesians 3:20) And, I can honestly say now, it was all worth it.

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me life and for knowing what is best long before I do. Forgive me when I doubt and question your good and perfect will. Help me to trust in you and contain my own feelings as I submit to your leading.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Deep Waters

Rain continued to fall from the heavens a few days ago. One day turned to two and then three. Horrific pictures were broadcast on television of people who had to evacuate the comfort of their homes due to an unwelcomed invader.  As of today, nineteen people have lost their lives from a natural resource that is beneficial and ironically needed for our survival-water.  

Water is such a magnificent necessity. It quenches our thirst, cleanses our bodies and nourishes crops. It provides countless hours of free entertainment while we vacation at the beach.  However, the only way this water is favorable for us is when it’s in moderation and controlled. This same water that has many valuable uses is also powerful enough to destroy what we work all of our lives for, in an instant!

“Mommy, God promised He wouldn’t destroy the earth with a flood ever again, so, why is it flooding?” is what my ten year old asked me as we watched the news together. I tried to explain the best I know how and the only way any of this tragedy makes any sense, if it does at all. “Bad things will always happen on this side of eternity but God has always and will always be in control” was the easiest way I could explain it to my son so he would understand.

When devastating disasters strike, debris and disarray aren’t its only leftovers.  What remains are confusing questions with, oftentimes, little to no answers.

Why would God allow such a thing to happen?

Does God not care?

Where was God in this or does He even exist?

As a result of living in a fallen, corrupt world, we will endure sorrow and suffering and strife.  John 16:33 even says “In this world you will have trouble.” It may come financially, relationally or in this case, catastrophically. However, the hope comes in the second sentence which says: “But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

God, who created the world and everything in it has also overcome it! He summons the sun to stand still and commands the earth to orbit.  He orders a boundary for the ocean to stop. He administers air in our lungs and provides blood to pump to our hearts. He is the God who was, is and is to come.  He is supreme over every moving and living thing on this planet.  There is nothing that can happen without first being passed through His hands.

So, why did South Carolina endure such devastation? No one knows the answer. But, what we have seen are people coming together to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We’ve glorified God in the midst and have clung to Him as our hope for a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. (Hebrews 6:19) A good reminder, in all times, but, especially now is God loves us and is for us.  When the storms of life come and we go through deep waters, He is with us. When we pass through rivers of difficulty they won’t sweep over us if we allow the Lord, our living water, to flood us with the only hope, rest and peace we can truly have-Himself. (Isaiah 43:2)

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Controlling the Clatter

With all my recently found recipes on Pinterest, I was sure I needed a new set of pots and pans.  I had been in a funk and this would surely lift my spirits. I made my way to the cookware and stood in the middle of the aisle.  By all outward appearances, I must've looked like any other shopper.  Inside, however, a war had been waged for days in my psyche between God's truths and Satan's lies.

"Oh no! Not again," I thought.  I had come to this store to escape those voices of deceit so why were they following me? As I looked around, I hoped I hadn't said what I thought out loud.  God knows I already felt half crazy but for someone else to think I was might do damage to my self esteem.  Not to mention, it would ruin my day should some friendly men in white coats come in to take me away. 

I made my way to the car and sat there as I went over the lies that were clinging and clanging together and had threatened to overpower what I knew was true:

"This isn't going to work."
"Your not good enough."
"She's Godlier than you."

Why is it that we, as Christians who know God's word, constantly fight to believe it? Because, the mind is the battlefield. The enemy will attack in every weak area to take our eyes off Jesus and stop any good work we do for Him. That's why it is so important to always be on guard, stand firm and control the clatter that sooner or later will crash in our head.

So, what do we do when those ideations invade our intellect? We think about what is honorable, pure and praiseworthy. (Phillipians 4:8) We renew our minds by storing up God's word in our hearts. (Ps. 119:11) We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

Later that night, I wondered why I had gone to a store to try and cheer myself up? So, I did what I should've done and knew to do all along. I took some time to be still with God and study His word.  I recollected all the prayers He'd answered and marveled at how gracious and loving He is that He loves me, this doubting, undeserved sinner. Wouldn't you know, the next morning, I awoke with a peace, joy and contentment that no pot, no matter how shiny can offer.  And, I heard Him say:

"It will work because I have willed it"
"You are enough because you are mine"
"You are Godly because as you seek me, I will make you more like me"

Dear Lord,
Thank you for being a patient father who fights for me.  You are everything that is true and right.  I'm sorry when I doubt you and do everything but turn to you. Help me to stand strong against the enemy's tactics by hiding your word in my heart and taking every thought captive. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.


Monday, September 21, 2015

The One

The door of my heart was open to everyone but you. Freely giving pieces of myself until pain and emptiness grew.

You, the One that could fill every hollow space. I rejected again. Your response: “I’ll wait.”

As my car careened you charged your angels to intervene. Thankful for a moment but I quickly forgot, it was you who saved me from that dark spot.

You, the One who rescued me and gave me life. I rejected again. Your response: “I’ll give her time.”

Sunday mornings spent in bed from a late night that left me with an aching head.

You, who whispered I love you anyway. I rejected again. Your response: “It doesn’t matter what you say.”

Crying babies. Sleepless nights. Toxic relationships with too many fights.

You, the One who makes all things new. I rejected again. Your response: “I’m not through.”

Broken and lost, tired of running. I lifted my eyes to see You, the One most stunning.

You, the living water who refreshes souls, lowered your hand to pick me up. I welcomed you and you filled my cup.

Who am I that you’d want me after all I’d done? Your response: “You are my masterpiece and my chosen one.”

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What Would Jesus Do?

A comb hadn’t touched his hair for days. Or so it seemed. It appeared he had been wearing the same clothes for weeks. As my car pulled closer, I glanced at this stranger who held a sign and I kept going.  My ten year old son said “Mom, he needs help.” I responded “I don’t have any money.”

This event began a discussion with my son that has impacted not only him but me.  He went on to tell me that though we didn’t have money, we could still give him something.  Then he asked the question that caused my head to hang in shame and I was instantly convicted.  He asked “What would Jesus do?”

In the book of Matthew, Jesus says that whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me. (Matt. 25: 40-45)

How many times have we prayed to be the hands and feet of Jesus and yet, when given an opportunity, we let it pass us by?

This wanderer’s face has replayed in my mind as I think about how I completely ignored him. I justified it by telling myself he was probably a swindler and couldn’t be trusted.  The truth is there are  many people in this world who are dishonest and making a living off of it.  But, can’t we still be generous and show love in other ways than giving money? Can’t we tell of the good news that God loves them and offer a warm meal?

I’ve heard it said that we’re all just one paycheck away from homelessness.  If this is true, the next person on the street could one day be me or you.

How many times have we overlooked the needy trying to fulfill our own “needs”? I have more times than I can count. My selfishness will cause me to have tunnel vision where my only focus is my own desires.  We want to be showered with blessings without being inconvenienced.  When all the while, the greatest blessings come when we bless others.

My family has learned a valuable lesson from this man.  One he will never know he taught us. He’s given more to us than we did to him. As we encounter people who seem to be less fortunate, let’s show them kindness and spread God’s love. Let’s step out of our own comfort zones to help bring comfort to others. After all, isn’t that what Jesus would do?

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift of this life.  Thank you for the privileges we are given that we take for granted.  Open our eyes to the people who are hurting and need you.  Help us not to pass the buck but to embrace every opportunity you give us to be your hands and feet.  Forgive us for our selfishness and help us to be more like you.  Break our heart for what breaks yours.  In Jesus' name, Amen. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." - Revelation 1:8 (NIV)

I AM the Alpha.

I AM the salt of the earth. I AM the salt in your tears.

I AM in the beating of heavy rains. I AM in every beat of your heart.

I AM the rock upon which you stand. I AM your shield from rocks thrown from your enemies.

I AM in the swirling winds of the sea. I AM in every swirl of your fingerprints. 

I AM with you in the silence. I AM with you in the noise.

I AM pleased to see the fruit of your labor. I AM the fruit that gives you nourishment.

I AM on the wings of soaring eagles. I AM the wings that shelter you from the storm.

I AM with the soldier whose soles of their feet enter dangerous ground. I AM crying out for the lost souls to return to me.

I AM the warmth from the sun on a summer's day. I AM the SON who died to give you life.

I AM your first breath. I AM your last.

I AM the Omega.

From dust to dust, I AM!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What May Come?

There’s a monster in our house.  That’s right-a big, ferocious tickle monster that comes out daily.  He seems to make his way to both of my children, upon request. The laughter that echoes out of their mouths will light up a room with joy.

How ridiculous would it be if I told my kids I couldn’t tickle them because when they move, they could bump their heads on something and get hurt? Pretty silly idea, right? So many intoxicating, playful times would be lost all for what could happen.

Life is filled with great moments like that. The kind that bring delight and pleasure. Sometimes, their short lived and others last much longer than we expect.  But, with those, also come the trials and heartache.  As we age, we witness more blows so we come to expect the bad will always follow the good. As a result, even when things are going smoothly, we will hold our breath and wait for the other shoe to drop.

Why do we let the good things in our lives be overshadowed by fear of what may come?

When opportunity presents itself, it’s easy for us to ask the what if questions:

What if I give my heart away and it ends in heartbreak?

What if I pursue my dream and it crashes and burns?

What if I pitch an idea, apply for college or ask someone out on a date and I’m rejected?

If we are worried about what will happen in the future, we can miss all the great things that happen in the present.  To worry is to have fear and I’ve heard it said there are 365 fear nots in the Bible. One for every day of the year.  God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love. (2 Timothy 1:7) Can any one of us by worrying add a single hour to our lives? (Matthew 6:27)

The better question to ask ourselves is “what happens if we don’t open our hearts, chase our dreams and risk rejection?” Then we will never know what it means to step out in faith. The tickled pink feeling of new love. The gratifying sense of accomplishment knowing we tried.

There are countless stories in the Bible of ordinary people, like us, who, through their fears and doubt, trusted God and took a chance.  In turn, we are still reading about those very people today. Can you imagine what it must’ve been like for Moses, who didn’t think he could, to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land? He had no idea what awaited them in the future and yet, he did it anyway.

God wants us to live faith filled lives as we trust Him with every part of it. He wants to richly bless us with our hearts desires and watch our wildest dreams come true. Does that mean we always get what we set out for? No. Sometimes He says yes and sometimes no.  But “The rewards of the journey far outweigh the risk of leaving the harbor.” (Author unknown)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

God's Gifts

Psalm 37:4 (NIV) Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart

Birthday parties are hassle free and relaxing…said no parent ever!  For any of us who’ve had or will have to plan a child’s birthday party, it can be quite stressful.

Once the day arrives and things run smoothly, we find a moment to exhale and enjoy the look on our child’s face as they beam with joy over a time celebrated just for them.  We watch with anticipation as they unwrap their presents and wait for the smile that appears followed by a thank you (hopefully). Why do we do this? Because we love our children and it brings us happiness to see theirs.

My nine year old will be moving to double digits in a few short weeks and in preparation, I’ve asked him what he would like for his birthday.  Though I can’t afford everything on the list, I’m sure he will be quite pleased on his special day.  In addition to purchasing new video games and Pokémon cards, there will be a few things he receives that he didn’t ask for. There always is. He may question why I’ve gotten him certain things and may even reject them initially, but, reflecting on previous birthdays, the gifts he didn’t want but needed have turned out to be the very best ones.

I thought about how many times I’ve asked my Father for things and I didn’t get them, or if I did, it wasn’t when I expected. It’s hard not getting the things we want when we want them.  For everything we don’t receive, it’s not because God cannot afford it. It’s because He knows it would be too costly to us. Our immediate wants can turn into future regrets when we act outside of the Lord’s will.  That’s why it is always best to trust Him. Gifts may not come packaged as we think they will and we may even reject them in the beginning, but they are always the best ones. He knows what we need long before we do and His time is always perfect.

The Lord takes great delight in giving us our hearts desires so long as they match His. When we take pleasure in Him, God’s gifts will always be vastly greater that we can ask for or imagine.  I picture Him watching with expectancy as His perfect plans are unfolded and a grin of satisfaction appears as he hears our thanksgiving.  Why?  Because we are His children.  He loves us and it brings Him happiness to see ours.

The next time we watch children opening gifts, let’s remember ones we’ve received as well. May we bring our hearts to a place of gratitude like we teach them and let’s not only do it on those days, but every day.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Like David

The older I get, the more I seem to reflect on my childhood. One major milestone for me and I assume a lot of youth, was getting my drivers license. I was 15 and my first car was a blue Pontiac Grand-Am. I drove that car until the tires were bald. You couldn’t tell me anything at that age because I knew it all. Yep, I had all I needed in that 4 door car. What an accomplishment it was to have this new found independence and freedom.

15 was also a hard age. I wasn’t a little girl anymore. I was stubborn and far from God. I believed in Him but I wanted no part of living the Christian life. The Christian life was boring. I wanted fun and to make my own rules.

As I was reading out of 1 Samuel this morning, I had to stop for a moment to ponder on David. A man after God’s own heart. David was the youngest in his family. A shepherd. Most know the story of how David killed the giant, Goliath, with a rock. Some think he was around the age of 15 (give or take a few years). David killed Goliath, whom everyone else was afraid of. At 15! David goes from being a simple shepherd to a brave warrior. 1 Samuel 17:50 says: “So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.”

David trusted in God. He obeyed the Lord and the Lord had favor on him. David goes on to be King of Judah at the age of 30 and finally ALL of Israel around the age of 37.

I cant help but do a comparison of myself at this age to David. Where I was a selfish, worldy driven girl. David was a selfless, heavenly driven young man. Where my biggest concern was having fun and driving around on a Friday night, his concern was listening to God and doing what He said.

The Lord used a young, simple shepherd boy to perform such a courageous act which in turn, caused a pivotal moment in history. He set such an example!

1 Timothy 4:12 says: “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

If God can use David, cant he use us just the same? No matter our age. No matter our appearance or economic status. It’s unlikely we will slay giants. We may not become king and queens. But, we can we be bold and courageous in our everyday lives. We can take a stand for the Lord and step out in faith. We can be men and women after God’s heart. Like David.

Daddy, I ask forgiveness where I’ve failed to trust in you or failed to take a stand for you. Help me to be obedient to your word. I pray you will use me in whatever capacity you choose to further your kingdom and do your works. Thank you for equipping me with whatever tasks lay before me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Knock Knock

The past came knocking today, with nothing new to say;
She told it to leave and yet there it stayed.

It invaded her thoughts and held her captive within;
Bringing visions and flashbacks of a life lived in sin.

The trip down memory lane revealed a girl covered in shame;
Saddened by her choices and haunted from outside voices.

She remembered she was washed clean one glorious day when she grew tired of living life her way;
In an instant He made her new, not by good works but just by asking Him to.

So, she slammed the door and fell to her knees, thankful these were distant memories;
For where she was and where she is, was a lifetime apart when she recalled she was His.

The light broke through and a smile reappeared, as her future was calling and it was instantly clear;
She wasn’t her past nor her mistakes, she was God's daughter and all sins He erased.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Good Choice vs. Good Choice

When we are single, making decisions can seem easier because we have the privilege to choose whatever we want. With the freedom also comes the burden of bearing the consequences, whether good or bad - alone or what seems to feel like we are alone.

Let me explain further. When I was married, my ex-husband and I were a sounding board for each other. We compromised and rationalized and even if we did not agree on a certain matter, there was comfort in knowing we had one another’s back.

I've been a single mom for the past three years, which has included hundreds of decisions. Though I often seek wise counsel, the weight can, at times, seem overwhelming.

Several weeks ago, a curve ball hit. I was in a very comfortable place in my life when Wham! God called me out of it.  No warning. I found myself at a crossroads faced with two good choices that would not only affect me but my children and quite possibly the direction our lives would go. However, I knew that, as Lysa TerKeurst so eloquently put it, there was a best yes.

As the restlessness continued in my heart, I found myself wrestling with God. I straddled the fence, having one foot on the old and familiar and the other on the new and unknown. I second-guessed myself for weeks on end and did everything I knew to do. I prayed consistently, read the Bible and asked for advisement from those who had been in my shoes before.

A good versus bad choice would be much easier than a good versus good. Because of that, indecisiveness camped out.

Pretty soon it dawned on me that though I did all the checklist items, I was in my own way.  I hadn't let HIM do the work in me.  Our goal, as Christians, is to become more like Christ.  This is so often a process that happens over time, unveiled by peeling back layer after layer. Every circumstance we go through will hopefully be a teaching lesson to mature us so we can discern what is best until the day of Christ. (Philippians 1:10)  So, I asked the Lord: "what do you want me to learn through this?"

As I sought God’s heart, he began to sift some pretty ugly things out of mine such as my motives and the worry that filled me because I hadn't fully trusted Him.  

When the muck is filtered out, it allows direction to become crystal clear.

Eventually, the answer came, as it always does when we earnestly seek the Lord’s will for our lives.  It’s always on time…His perfect time. 

Though we may question, doubt and struggle to find the right answers, He is there through all of it. No matter what stage of life we're in, we are never alone. When we aren’t sure what to do, we must actively wait by seeking Him. If anxiety threatens to consume us, we combat that by knowing God is in control and placing full trust in Him. And, if we find ourselves at a point of two good decisions, choose the one that will stretch an grow us bringing Him more glory and honor.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the freedom of choice.  Please forgive me when I move ahead of you and try to take the reins.  I don’t want to be anywhere or do anything that is outside of your will.  If I should make a mistake, I trust that you will get me to exactly where I am supposed to be.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Click below to listen to Colton Dixon's new song: "Through all of It." It's been a blessing to me and I hope it will for you all as well.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Light For My Path

“Do my eyes look Chinese?” is what my nine year old asked one Monday morning as he stumbled his way to the kitchen table. Before sitting down, he dimmed the overhead lights until his eyes were fully open. About that same time, my daughter made her way to the bathroom and said “don’t turn on the lights, I can’t see.” What an oxymoron that is.

We all know light is needed for most of us to make our way around in the dark.  But for some of us, we have been in the pitch-black so long it’s all we know and what we’re use to. If we stay there, it will leave us blinded by the light and obscured to the truth of God’s plan for our lives.

I was in that sunless, somber place for a while.  My later teens and early twenties were spent in the wrong places making poor decisions.  I remember being the life of the party when in reality there was no life inside me at all. I had heard the truth of Jesus and yet I chose to turn away from Him. Like I did, there are those, who rebel against the light (Jesus), who do not know its ways or stay in its paths. (Job 24:13). He allowed me to make my own decisions and in so doing, consequences always followed. And they always will.

Why would so many of us choose the painful dark road of obstruction rather than walk on the illuminating path of righteousness? It could be a number of reasons:

Familiarity - Even if we know what we’re doing is wrong, if it’s all we know, we will continue doing it.  Romans 7:15 says “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.”

Fear – We may be afraid that our mistakes will be made known. The truth is we are all sinners saved by grace.  Our omniscient God already knows everything we’ve ever done or will do. Even so, there is nothing we can do to separate the love He has for us. We may also fear we won’t have fun anymore.  So many people that aren’t walking with the Lord seem to think the Christian life is boring.  However, living a life completely sold out to Christ will be anything but.  

Fleshly desires –We’re human beings born with sinful, selfish ways. Temptations are at every turn with a constant battle against the flesh and the Spirit. But, God is faithful; he will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear and will also provide a way out so we can endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Hindsight is 20/20. Looking back over the course of my life, God orchestrated so many people I crossed paths with to continually point me to Him. Though some of those divine encounters may have felt their words were falling on deaf ears, they helped teach me who this magnificent beacon, Jesus Christ, was.  They were able to shine because Christ shown through them.  Their lives impacted me even though it took many years for me to realize it.

We, who have accepted Jesus, have that same light inside and should let it shine before men in such a way they see good works and glorify our Father in heaven. (Matthew 5: 14-16)

For those who have felt imprisoned to bleak, painful nights, the bond has been paid and freedom to walk in the light of day is for the taking. Being a follower of Jesus does not mean we won’t face hard times, because we will. However, if we use His word as a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path, we’ll find it much easier to maneuver.

Most majestic heavenly Father, I thank you for never leaving me though I so often leave you.  Thank you for the people you have placed in my life that beam with your truth.  Help me to be a light that extinguishes the dark and ignites others for you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a feather flock together. We’ve all heard the phrase and know the meaning. The saying has been around for ages and is still used.  Why? Because there’s truth in it.

As far back as a young girl, I can remember my parents saying they didn’t want me hanging around certain people because they saw a change in my demeanor.  Of course, I didn’t notice anything different, but, then again, it’s more often people on the outside looking in that can give us a truth we don’t seem to recognize.

Have you ever noticed people who pair off at office parties?  Or, the different cliques at school? There are groups from the drama team to detention regulars and everything in between.  Why does this happen? Because people want to be with like-minded people.  We want to enjoy things with company. Is there anything wrong with having people around us to share good times with? Absolutely not. Friends are vital.  The problem lies when what others are doing/saying isn’t good for us. Bad company corrupts good morals. (1 Corinthians 15:33)

Bottom line: We become who we hang around so choose wisely. Granted, we must be held accountable for our own decisions and actions.  We were built with a brain (that most of us use). However, the more time we spend with anyone, the more their thoughts, attitudes and beliefs rub off on us.  

Sometimes we become oblivious to the influence those around us have in our own lives, as mentioned earlier.  Thus, making it a good time to take inventory of those in our circle. Not everyone has our best interest at heart. As a matter of fact, misery loves company. Don’t believe every spirit, but test them to see whether they are from God. (1 John 4:1) We can begin by asking ourselves:

  • Do our friends/loved ones stimulate me to love and good deeds? (Hebrews 10:24)
  • Do they offer wise counsel? (Proverbs 27:9)
  • Do they encourage, build up and challenge me to be a better person? (1 Thessalonians 5:11, Proverbs 27:17)
  • Are they trustworthy and faithful? (Proverbs 27: 5-6)
For Christians, our goal is to become more like Christ.  That would be extremely difficult to do if we are surrounded by people who don’t have that same intent. By taking a hard look at the people closest to us; we can determine if there are those we need to distance ourselves from. Does all of this mean we aren’t to befriend non-Christians? No! Jesus himself hung out with tax collectors and prostitutes. He showed them love and how they could find forgiveness and be set free.  We Christians are called to do the same. However, we must use caution so we don’t fall victim to things of this world. 

No matter who we have around us, there is no better friend than Jesus. There’s an old hymn that says: “What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?” (paraphrased)  He should be our best friend whom we trust and rely on.  However, we need people beside us to spur us on as we navigate through this life. If we are lacking Christ centered friendships, take it to The Lord in prayer.  He will bring the people He knows we need and who needs us.  By doing so, we can ensure that our flock is flying in the right direction.

Is there anyone close to you that is pulling you further from God? If so, how can you back away in a loving manner?

Do you have accountability partners and friends pointing you to God? If not, what can you do to bring those people into your life?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Behind Walls

She wears a smile to cover the pain from where a hand print use to lay for

Behind walls is where anger lies.

His eyes are glued to the screen as images are implanted that should not be seen for

Behind walls is where secrets lye.

A soldier stands on the front lines as he prepares to draw his gun and fight for

Behind walls is where fear lies.

The pressure to be thin has caused a teen to purge what they’ve consumed within for

Behind walls is where low self-esteem lies.

She's been asked on a date long after cancer took her mate but she's scared to say yes for

Behind walls is where vulnerability lies.

Self -control is lost as the glass is tossed for

Behind walls is where addiction lies.

Walls can keep enemies out but can also keep our worst enemy in-ourselves. There are none tall enough or thick enough to hide from the Lord God Almighty. Nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light. (Luke 8:17)

Allow His power to break down the barrier that separates us from experiencing true healing for

Behind walls is where forgiveness lies.

Behind walls is where redemption lies.

Behind walls is where love lies.

Friday, March 27, 2015

"It is Finished"

Within the next few days, many of us will participate in dying Easter eggs, egg hunts and eat a few Cadbury eggs.  While all of that is fun and great traditions, Easter has nothing to do with an egg.
I looked up the definition of holiday out of curiosity.  Merriam-Webster defines it as a special day of celebration: a day when most people do not have to work.  We view holidays as a free day away from the office. A time to overindulge on ham and the fixin's while surrounded by family. Those are all great as well, but, the reason we have a holiday, in this case, Easter, is because it is a holy day.
Most of us know the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. It is the ONLY reason we celebrate.  If we aren’t careful, we can hear it so much, it impacts us less.  That’s why it’s important to know and remember the details, as best we can, of what happened on those few days that would change our fate, for those who believe.
On the night before Jesus was to be crucified, He went to The Garden of Gethsemane to pray. He knew the torture He would have to face and He was overwhelmed with sorrow, to the point of death. (Matt. 26:38) In fact, he agonized so much He sweat drops of blood. While Jesus prayed, He asked God three separate times to take the cup of suffering away from him, yet he said let God’s will be done and not His.  He was then captured by Roman soldiers, which was when His physical torture began. To humiliate Him, they stripped him naked. To mock Him, He was given a scarlet robe and scepter. He was scourged with a whip, of at least three strands as much as three feet long, with pieces of bone or lead balls at the end. The flogging was so violent; it tore open the flesh exposing veins and arteries. Thorn branches, around an inch long, were driven into his scalp. They spit in His face as the blood poured from his head and ran down his body.  Jesus was then forced to carry His own cross to Golgotha. The same cross He would be nailed to and executed on. Iron pegs, roughly 7-9 inches long, were driven into his hands and feet. While hanging on the cross, Jesus asked The Father to forgive them, the same people who killed him, for they knew not what they did. Moments before His final breath, in separation from God, Jesus asked: “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” He then said “It is finished” and His spirit was released.
Can you imagine watching your child be tortured and left to die? The Bible said it pained God so much, He had to turn away. 
This is how much God loves us all.  So much, He sent His one and only son to take our place and die this painful, gruesome death for our sin. He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole.  He was whipped so we could be healed. (Isaiah 53:5)          
Why would anyone celebrate the death of this man Jesus? Because, this is not where the story ends. It is only the beginning. Three days later, Christ was resurrected from the dead! There is no amount of technology or money on this earth that would be able to bring a dead man back to life.  Only the magnificent power of God Almighty.  Our debt was paid, scripture was fulfilled and Jesus Christ was vindicated!
As we get prepared to clothe ourselves in our Sunday best and listen to another Easter sermon, let the specifics break us and the outcome wake us to the glorious message of the life-saving gospel.  Jesus is risen! The tomb is empty! We are free from the grips of death.  That is why we do more than observe, we rejoice,this holiday called Easter. Because of Jesus, "It is Finished"!

Please take a moment to listen to the song below and just thank Jesus for who He is and ALL He's done for us.