Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Behind Walls

She wears a smile to cover the pain from where a hand print use to lay for

Behind walls is where anger lies.

His eyes are glued to the screen as images are implanted that should not be seen for

Behind walls is where secrets lye.

A soldier stands on the front lines as he prepares to draw his gun and fight for

Behind walls is where fear lies.

The pressure to be thin has caused a teen to purge what they’ve consumed within for

Behind walls is where low self-esteem lies.

She's been asked on a date long after cancer took her mate but she's scared to say yes for

Behind walls is where vulnerability lies.

Self -control is lost as the glass is tossed for

Behind walls is where addiction lies.

Walls can keep enemies out but can also keep our worst enemy in-ourselves. There are none tall enough or thick enough to hide from the Lord God Almighty. Nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light. (Luke 8:17)

Allow His power to break down the barrier that separates us from experiencing true healing for

Behind walls is where forgiveness lies.

Behind walls is where redemption lies.

Behind walls is where love lies.

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