Get To Know Him

Have you ever felt your life was like a feather that's floating around trying to find your place and purpose? A feather will temporarily land but with a gust of wind will quickly drift away.  Before discovering what a relationship with Jesus Christ was, my life felt much like that.  I found temporary satisfaction in things of this world such as relationships and material possessions.  I was a weekend warrior at partying.  The problem was that once the new wore off or the late nights came to an end, happiness left and once again, I was floating and searching for meaning and happiness.

For as long as I can remember, I had known about Jesus.  However, my relationship with Him was almost non-existent.  When I came to understand that it was Him I was lacking in my life, everything changed.  The Lord is not some genie in the sky who grants wishes to those He likes and punishes those He does not.  Our life is not meant to float along with happenings and mishaps.  There is a purpose for our life and God is a real person whose plan for us was to live in perfect harmony with Him.  However, because of Satan and the evil he tempted mankind with, God's plans were thwarted by human choices. We should all pay a penalty because of our natural sinful tendencies. Yet, because of God’s love for us, He sent His one and only son, Jesus Christ, to suffer and die on the cross and pay our debt in full!  All we have to do is accept His gift of salvation by believing in His Son Jesus, turn from our sins and trust in the Lord. 

If you haven’t prayed the prayer of salvation and you want to accept the free gift of eternal life that only Jesus can offer, then I invite you to pray the following:

Heavenly Father,
I don’t know you but I want to.  I believe you are my creator, provider, sustainer, Father and friend.  I believe you sent your most precious son, Jesus Christ, who came to this world, fully God and fully man, to live a life I couldn't live and die a death that I deserve.  I ask you to come into my life and change me. Change my heart. I repent of my sins and ask you to forgive me for the way I have lived. Help me to live for you all the days of my life until the glorious day when I get to be with you forever.  In Jesus’ name I ask this, Amen.

If you just accepted Jesus into your life, please contact me here so I can help encourage you to stay ignited for our father.

If you’ve been saved but are missing that one-one-one relationship and want to know how to grow in your spiritual walk, I encourage you to do the following:

  •  Find a home church and begin serving. God refers to the church as his bride. It is what will remain when everything else will fail. 
  • Read your Bible. God wrote His written word through regular people, just like you and me through the power of the Holy Spirit.  The Bible is His love letter to us and our life manual. 
  •          Pray continually. Prayer is our direct communication with God. Talk to Him as you would anyone on this earth.
  •           Fellowship with other believers. We cannot do life alone. The Lord knew the hardships we would face and scripture states over and over that we need one another.

Scripture References:

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