Rain continued to fall from the heavens a few days ago. One
day turned to two and then three. Horrific pictures were broadcast on
television of people who had to evacuate the comfort of their homes due to an
unwelcomed invader. As of today,
nineteen people have lost their lives from a natural resource that is
beneficial and ironically needed for our survival-water.
Water is such a magnificent necessity. It quenches our
thirst, cleanses our bodies and nourishes crops. It provides countless hours of
free entertainment while we vacation at the beach. However, the only way this water is favorable
for us is when it’s in moderation and controlled. This same water that has many
valuable uses is also powerful enough to destroy what we work all of our lives
for, in an instant!
“Mommy, God promised He wouldn’t destroy the earth with a
flood ever again, so, why is it flooding?” is what my ten year old asked me as
we watched the news together. I tried to explain the best I know how and the only
way any of this tragedy makes any sense, if it does at all. “Bad things will
always happen on this side of eternity but God has always and will always be in
control” was the easiest way I could explain it to my son so he would
When devastating disasters strike, debris and disarray
aren’t its only leftovers. What remains
are confusing questions with, oftentimes, little to no answers.
Why would God allow such a thing to happen?
Does God not care?
Where was God in this or does He even exist?
As a result of living in a fallen, corrupt world, we will
endure sorrow and suffering and strife.
John 16:33 even says “In this world you will have trouble.” It may come
financially, relationally or in this case, catastrophically. However, the hope
comes in the second sentence which says: “But take heart! I have overcome the
God, who created the world and everything in it has also
overcome it! He summons the sun to stand still and commands the earth to orbit. He orders a boundary for the ocean to stop.
He administers air in our lungs and provides blood to pump to our hearts. He is
the God who was, is and is to come. He
is supreme over every moving and living thing on this planet. There is nothing that can happen without
first being passed through His hands.
So, why did South Carolina endure such devastation? No one
knows the answer. But, what we have seen are people coming together to be the
hands and feet of Jesus. We’ve glorified God in the midst and have clung to Him
as our hope for a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. (Hebrews 6:19) A
good reminder, in all times, but, especially now is God loves us and is for us. When the storms of life come and we go through
deep waters, He is with us. When we pass through rivers of difficulty they won’t
sweep over us if we allow the Lord, our living water, to flood us with the only
hope, rest and peace we can truly have-Himself. (Isaiah 43:2)
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