"Flip the cushions to the good side," is what I said to myself while in preparation for many houseguests that are to arrive in two days. Our patio furniture has been put to good and frequent use. We keep the cushions cruddy-side up to make sure it's brother, sunny-side stays clean for visitors. Our home is never as clean as it is before we have guests. Can you relate?
Why is it we feel the need to give an appearance of a spotless home and perfect life? Could it be we want to impress others with an illusion that we have it all together? You know, the joker-sized smile on Sunday morning. Children perfectly posed on our latest Facebook post. A successful career that affords lavish trips. No one has to know that the smile we wear is to hide the tears from a fight with our loved one. That it took 20 takes before getting the one good picture of our kids. That the 5 day beach trip came after 360 days of a high-stress, unrewarding job.
We seem to worry more about what others think of us and less about living authentically. God is omniscient and already knows everything we will think, say or do (past, present and future). Thankfully, He is the only one who has it all together and He has made it so we do not have to rely on ourselves but on Him. We don't need to air all of our dirty laundry to the public, but we do need to confess sin to each other and pray for each other so that we may be healed. (James 5:16) When we are honest with God and each other, two amazing things happen. The light of Jesus breaks through what is dark and covered and guides our feet into the way of peace. (Luke 1:79) and our transparency helps lead others to feel they too can do the same.
I'd like to say that I didn't think about those cushions after this but it just isn't so. Old habits die hard. As I went to turn them over, I realized one side looked just like the other. Should anyone notice or comment my response will be: "This is me, living authentically."
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