But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
There it was, this small, square, thin plate of glass staring at me on the bathroom floor. The scale and I have a love/hate relationship. Its powers do more than display my weight. Depending on what numbers pop up, that scale can solicit a smile or cause my shoulders to slump faster than a cheetah chasing its prey.
The pressure to be thin seems to start at an early age and has only intensified through modern technology. Social media, magazines and television brainwash us into thinking that beauty comes in the measurements of 36, 24, 36. We size ourselves up to airbrushed models or our thin best friend only to let discouragement and discontentment set in when we feel we cannot compare.
If we place more emphasis on our exterior rather than what God looks at, our confidence will come from the wrong source and will constantly change, like the numbers on a scale. But, if we are able to take our insecurities to the Lord, He will be our confidence. To keep our eyes on Christ will train our brains to think of ourselves the way He does-Wonderfully made. Set apart. Chosen. We can walk with certainty and self-assurance because of the One who lives inside us.
When the prophet Samuel searched for the next king of Israel, he was impressed with Jesse's son, Eliab. However, we read in our key verse the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." Of course we read on to find that it was David, a young shepherd boy, who not only defeated Goliath the giant, but who God raised up as king, not Eliab.
David didn't stand in front of a mirror and say I'm too small to slay a giant. He didn't look at his brothers and think they were more masculine and better fit to do the job. He boldly stepped up in the name of the Lord Almighty because he knew God was with him!
When we show compassion, remain humble, have gratitude and spread love we cultivate the gentle, gracious kind of inner beauty that God delights in.
It's fine to want a nice appearance and exercise is good for the body. Goodbye, Muffin Top! Our bodies are our temples and we should take care of them. However, we shouldn't allow size and/or comparison to dictate our self worth or our mood. We are handcrafted, custom designed and one-of-a-kind. We should think of ourselves as nothing less.
Father, you are perfect in all of your ways. You created me in your image and have made no mistakes in doing so. When self-doubt threatens to consume me, turn my gaze from the mirror and onto you. In Jesus' name, amen.
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