Birds of a feather flock together. We’ve all heard the
phrase and know the meaning. The saying has been around for ages and is still
used. Why? Because there’s truth in it.
As far back as a young girl, I can remember my parents
saying they didn’t want me hanging around certain people because they saw a
change in my demeanor. Of course, I didn’t
notice anything different, but, then again, it’s more often people on the
outside looking in that can give us a truth we don’t seem to recognize.
Have you ever noticed people who pair off at office
parties? Or, the different cliques at
school? There are groups from the drama team to detention regulars and
everything in between. Why does this
happen? Because people want to be with like-minded people. We want to enjoy things with company. Is
there anything wrong with having people around us to share good times with?
Absolutely not. Friends are vital. The
problem lies when what others are doing/saying isn’t good for us. Bad company
corrupts good morals. (1 Corinthians 15:33)
Bottom line: We become
who we hang around so choose wisely.
Granted, we must be held accountable for our own decisions and actions. We were built with a brain (that most of us
use). However, the more time we spend with anyone, the more their thoughts,
attitudes and beliefs rub off on us.
Sometimes we become oblivious to the influence those around
us have in our own lives, as mentioned earlier.
Thus, making it a good time to take inventory of those in our circle. Not
everyone has our best interest at heart. As a matter of fact, misery loves
company. Don’t believe every spirit, but test them to see whether they are from
God. (1 John 4:1) We can begin by asking ourselves:
- Do our friends/loved ones stimulate me to love and good deeds? (Hebrews 10:24)
- Do they offer wise counsel? (Proverbs 27:9)
- Do they encourage, build up and challenge me to be a better person? (1 Thessalonians 5:11, Proverbs 27:17)
- Are they trustworthy and faithful? (Proverbs 27: 5-6)
For Christians, our goal is to become more like Christ. That would be extremely difficult to do if we
are surrounded by people who don’t have that same intent. By taking a hard look
at the people closest to us; we can determine if there are those we need to
distance ourselves from. Does all of this mean we aren’t to befriend
non-Christians? No! Jesus himself hung out with tax collectors and prostitutes.
He showed them love and how they could find forgiveness and be set free. We Christians are called to do the same.
However, we must use caution so we don’t fall victim to things of this
No matter who we have around us, there is no better friend
than Jesus. There’s an old hymn that says: “What a friend we have in Jesus, all
our sins and griefs to bear! Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our
sorrows share?” (paraphrased) He should
be our best friend whom we trust and rely on.
However, we need people beside us to spur us on as we navigate through
this life. If we are lacking Christ centered friendships, take it to The Lord
in prayer. He will bring the people He
knows we need and who needs us. By doing
so, we can ensure that our flock is flying in the right direction.
Is there anyone close to you that is pulling you further
from God? If so, how can you back away in a loving manner?
Do you have accountability partners and friends pointing
you to God? If not, what can you do to bring those people into your life?