“Strength and honor are her clothing, and she can laugh at the time to come.” Proverbs 31:25 (CSB)
The door opened at 14,000 feet! With someone strapped onto my back, I prepared to plunge to my death. Or, so I thought. Tears streamed down my cheeks as we inched our way to the door. “NO!" I screamed. There was no way I could jump out of that plane. One step is all it would take but I clung to the door until my knuckles were white. Apparently, the skydiving instructor thought I said go instead of no and suddenly we were free falling at a rate of 120 mph! I had difficulty breathing and I was sure I'd be in the arms of Jesus in less than 5 minutes.
After what seemed like 5 hours of plummeting, a single cord was pulled and a bright colored umbrella sprouted out above us. We sailed through the sky and in that moment I was able to take in the magnificent beauty that was all around. Once my feet hit the ground, a wave of accomplishment washed over me. "I did it. I conquered my fear!" I yelled and laughed with excitement at the same time.
I don't ever desire to jump out of a plane again but I'm glad I had enough boldness to conquer that fear. I'm even more happy that the instructor knew what he was doing and that God spared our lives.
We are faced with choices daily. A lot of them are insignificant, such as what kind of cereal to eat for breakfast or shirt to wear to the office. It's the crucial decisions that can stop us dead in our tracks and leave us with a lot of should’ve, could’ve, would’ves. I should’ve taken the job offer. I could’ve gone back to school. If only I would’ve written that book or (fill in the blank). Many of us want to take chances and chase dreams but we fear the unknown.
Here's a spoiler alert: we will all make what we feel is the wrong choice at some point. But, followers of Jesus can take comfort in knowing that the Lord will fulfill his promises for us. (Ps. 138:8) He created each of us with gifts, strengths and weaknesses that He uses in His plan to build His kingdom. As we daily strive to walk in obedience to El Shaddai (God Almighty), He will get us where He wants us to be. Much like the tandem skydiving instructor who knows when to pull the parachute out and guide us to our destination.
What fear(s) hold you back from making a big decision? How might God use the choice you make to ultimately have more of an eternal impact?