Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wanting to be Superwoman

“I need more sleep,” I said to myself as I begrudgingly got out of bed last Saturday morning. Two of our kids had a function that morning, another wanted to go to a festival, our pantry was screaming for more groceries, the youngest child wanted to go wherever I did, I promised to take the girls to the mall weeks prior and my husband and I had a meeting that same day followed by our date night. I had no quiet time with Jesus and coffee wasn’t cutting it. By noon, broken sleep plus a tight scheduled equaled exhaustion.

My husband is a very active father and loves to help in whatever way is needed, but, sometimes, there’s a part of me that wants to be able to do it all. I want to be Superwoman and look like I have it all together. Chauffer the kids, clean the house, buy the groceries, work a full-time job and  try to look half-way presentable by throwing make-up on my face.  Because of our season of life and my need to control, I end up feeling more Supertired and less like Superwoman.

I didn’t realize it at the time; however, God was and is teaching me a hard lesson. It’s as if I hear Him saying: “woman, why are you trying to be everything to everyone?” It’s caused me to ask myself what could have been done differently and how these occurrences can happen less frequently. If you find yourself needing to dominate situations and/or feel overwhelmed by to do lists, let me share what I am currently being taught.

1)      Work smarter not harder. If someone is there to help us (spouse, friend, neighbor), let them help. They will probably do it differently than we would and that’s okay.  We aren’t meant to handle everything alone. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2

2)      Know when to say no.  When we are over committed, it normally leads to a shorter temper which does no one any good, including ourselves. It’s not easy to see the look of disappointment on a loved one’s face, but, when we say no or not right now, it frees us to say yes to something else. Such as being still.

3)      Rest in Him. I’m not just talking about laying our heads on a pillow because we all need sleep to function. The kind of rest that brings peace, joy and refreshment is found in Christ alone. Take fears, hardships and weariness to Jesus because when we cast our anxieties on Him, he cares for us. – 1 Peter 5:7

I would love to say I’ve mastered this and it won’t happen again, but it will. Lord knows I am as stubborn as they come. The thought “I am woman, hear me roar” will creep in and I will try to whip out the worn, ragged edged Superwoman cape.  That’s when, once again, God in all His patience, will remind me I don’t need to be the one that saves the day as He has already done that for me.

Heavenly Father,
You are in control of me and everyone I care about. Forgive me when I forget that. Help me to release my burdens to you and teach me how to loosen the reigns. Thank you for going before me and for being the Superhero that I can’t and don’t have to be.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.