Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Chasing Butterflies

(1 Timothy 6:6 NIV) But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.

A few months ago, I watched my daughter, who was then four years old, run behind a duck that had made his way onto the boardwalk at the beach. Of course he didn’t let her latch onto him but it sure was entertaining to watch her try.

This triggered thoughts of all the people and things I’ve pursued in my own life. As a small child I dashed behind butterflies. As a hormone crazed teen, it was boys. In my early twenties, it was the latest trends. After I had my first child, I darted after him.  Most everything I tried to obtain brought a lot of satisfaction that never lasted.

At the ripe age of 33, I found myself empty, broken, and lost.  All the running left my heart invigorated but my soul depleted. On a quest to find what was missing, I soon discovered the only One I needed to chase didn’t need to be caught because He had been with me all my life. We can have everything money can buy with the white picket fence and 2.5 kids and still have an ache from the hollow space within.  That hole can only be filled by obeying and abiding in Jesus Christ. His word says those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled. (Matt. 5:6)

Most of us want the same things in life: to find purpose and be happy. The world will promise we will find it by saying things such as do what makes you feel good. Buy the new car. Find love. Travel the world. While these can bring temporary gratification, they will not bring permanent fulfillment. The shiny new car will eventually dull, we’ll find out our significant other is imperfect like us, and our stamped passports will collect dust.

We were created by God and for God and our sole purpose is to glorify Him.  Anything short of that will leave us with an exhausted ego constantly in search for more. Our key verse says: But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing out of it.  Godliness means to be Christ like. When we strive to be more like Him in our thoughts and actions then we are pursuing much more than happiness but rather holiness. When we do, we learn to be content with whatever we have in whatever situation we are in. Contentment in God produces the gain we all want which is joy. Not to be confused with the momentary delight of chasing things like butterflies and BMW's. No, He brings everlasting joy! The kind we get just to be in His presence where at His right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Ps. 16:11) 

How many times have you chased someone or something in hopes of finding happiness only to be left with unmet expectations?

Have you asked God to take over your life so you can experience perpetual joy?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

One Day Closer

This post was written in 2015. Though it is a year old, it still rings true and always will. Happy Birthday in Heaven, Bubba!

One of the most miserable, agonizing feelings is the separation from a loved one.
In 2014, I was 7,000 miles away from my children and was only able to talk to them once in eleven days. On the day I arrived home from my trip, I couldn’t put my arms around them fast enough! Though it seemed it had been an eternity, once I held them, it was as if no time had passed. I went from glum to glee immediately.

Today, my brother would’ve blown out 34 birthday candles. I wonder how he would’ve turned out. If the girls would still be chasing him or would he have settled down. I imagine my children jumping all over him and laughing as he was doing one of his famous impersonations.

It’s been almost 11 years since he passed and there is still a pang in my heart. Remembering him is bitter sweet for thinking of happy times spent together is followed by the ache of his absence. Birthdays, holidays and anniversaries often trigger the pain of loved ones who are gone. Days like today forces me to look at my own mortality. Death is just a part of life. It’s avoided in everyday conversation yet the Bible says our lives are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. (James 4:14)

What do these two different circumstances have in common? The sorrow is temporary. For those who believe in the death and resurrection of Christ, we look at each day that passes as one day closer to being in our eternal home-with Jesus. We know there are better 
things waiting for us that will last forever. (Hebrews 10:32)

As I reflect on the past with fond memories, I anticipate even greater ones to come. I envision colors no eye has seen. Water as clear as crystal. Thousands upon thousands of angels singing in harmony to our King on the throne. A place free of war. Famine. Natural disasters. Murderers. Disease. Where every tear will be wiped from our eyes. (Revelation 21:4) Where we won’t need the light of a lamp for the Lord God will be all the light we need. (Rev. 22:5)

Oh, How I long to be home. Can you picture it?

For those who have loved ones now departed, time may ease the pain but it doesn’t make you miss them less. It’s okay to still have sad days. Weeping may last through the night but joy comes in the morning. (Ps. 30:5) Fix your eyes on the Father and dwell not in the temporary. And, when the longing for our loved one seems to be unbearable, just know a reunion is in the works…until then, let’s get our party hats ready to celebrate.