Thursday, June 25, 2015

God's Gifts

Psalm 37:4 (NIV) Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart

Birthday parties are hassle free and relaxing…said no parent ever!  For any of us who’ve had or will have to plan a child’s birthday party, it can be quite stressful.

Once the day arrives and things run smoothly, we find a moment to exhale and enjoy the look on our child’s face as they beam with joy over a time celebrated just for them.  We watch with anticipation as they unwrap their presents and wait for the smile that appears followed by a thank you (hopefully). Why do we do this? Because we love our children and it brings us happiness to see theirs.

My nine year old will be moving to double digits in a few short weeks and in preparation, I’ve asked him what he would like for his birthday.  Though I can’t afford everything on the list, I’m sure he will be quite pleased on his special day.  In addition to purchasing new video games and Pokémon cards, there will be a few things he receives that he didn’t ask for. There always is. He may question why I’ve gotten him certain things and may even reject them initially, but, reflecting on previous birthdays, the gifts he didn’t want but needed have turned out to be the very best ones.

I thought about how many times I’ve asked my Father for things and I didn’t get them, or if I did, it wasn’t when I expected. It’s hard not getting the things we want when we want them.  For everything we don’t receive, it’s not because God cannot afford it. It’s because He knows it would be too costly to us. Our immediate wants can turn into future regrets when we act outside of the Lord’s will.  That’s why it is always best to trust Him. Gifts may not come packaged as we think they will and we may even reject them in the beginning, but they are always the best ones. He knows what we need long before we do and His time is always perfect.

The Lord takes great delight in giving us our hearts desires so long as they match His. When we take pleasure in Him, God’s gifts will always be vastly greater that we can ask for or imagine.  I picture Him watching with expectancy as His perfect plans are unfolded and a grin of satisfaction appears as he hears our thanksgiving.  Why?  Because we are His children.  He loves us and it brings Him happiness to see ours.

The next time we watch children opening gifts, let’s remember ones we’ve received as well. May we bring our hearts to a place of gratitude like we teach them and let’s not only do it on those days, but every day.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Like David

The older I get, the more I seem to reflect on my childhood. One major milestone for me and I assume a lot of youth, was getting my drivers license. I was 15 and my first car was a blue Pontiac Grand-Am. I drove that car until the tires were bald. You couldn’t tell me anything at that age because I knew it all. Yep, I had all I needed in that 4 door car. What an accomplishment it was to have this new found independence and freedom.

15 was also a hard age. I wasn’t a little girl anymore. I was stubborn and far from God. I believed in Him but I wanted no part of living the Christian life. The Christian life was boring. I wanted fun and to make my own rules.

As I was reading out of 1 Samuel this morning, I had to stop for a moment to ponder on David. A man after God’s own heart. David was the youngest in his family. A shepherd. Most know the story of how David killed the giant, Goliath, with a rock. Some think he was around the age of 15 (give or take a few years). David killed Goliath, whom everyone else was afraid of. At 15! David goes from being a simple shepherd to a brave warrior. 1 Samuel 17:50 says: “So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.”

David trusted in God. He obeyed the Lord and the Lord had favor on him. David goes on to be King of Judah at the age of 30 and finally ALL of Israel around the age of 37.

I cant help but do a comparison of myself at this age to David. Where I was a selfish, worldy driven girl. David was a selfless, heavenly driven young man. Where my biggest concern was having fun and driving around on a Friday night, his concern was listening to God and doing what He said.

The Lord used a young, simple shepherd boy to perform such a courageous act which in turn, caused a pivotal moment in history. He set such an example!

1 Timothy 4:12 says: “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

If God can use David, cant he use us just the same? No matter our age. No matter our appearance or economic status. It’s unlikely we will slay giants. We may not become king and queens. But, we can we be bold and courageous in our everyday lives. We can take a stand for the Lord and step out in faith. We can be men and women after God’s heart. Like David.

Daddy, I ask forgiveness where I’ve failed to trust in you or failed to take a stand for you. Help me to be obedient to your word. I pray you will use me in whatever capacity you choose to further your kingdom and do your works. Thank you for equipping me with whatever tasks lay before me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Knock Knock

The past came knocking today, with nothing new to say;
She told it to leave and yet there it stayed.

It invaded her thoughts and held her captive within;
Bringing visions and flashbacks of a life lived in sin.

The trip down memory lane revealed a girl covered in shame;
Saddened by her choices and haunted from outside voices.

She remembered she was washed clean one glorious day when she grew tired of living life her way;
In an instant He made her new, not by good works but just by asking Him to.

So, she slammed the door and fell to her knees, thankful these were distant memories;
For where she was and where she is, was a lifetime apart when she recalled she was His.

The light broke through and a smile reappeared, as her future was calling and it was instantly clear;
She wasn’t her past nor her mistakes, she was God's daughter and all sins He erased.