When we are single, making decisions can seem easier because
we have the privilege to choose whatever we want. With the freedom also comes
the burden of bearing the consequences, whether good or bad - alone or what
seems to feel like we are alone.
Let me explain
further. When I was married, my ex-husband and I were a sounding board for each other. We compromised and rationalized and even if we did not agree on a
certain matter, there was comfort in knowing we had one another’s back.
I've been a single mom for the past three years, which has
included hundreds of decisions. Though I often seek wise counsel, the weight
can, at times, seem overwhelming.
Several weeks ago, a curve ball hit. I was in a very
comfortable place in my life when Wham! God called me out of it. No warning. I found myself at a crossroads
faced with two good choices that would not only affect me but my children and
quite possibly the direction our lives would go. However, I knew that, as Lysa
TerKeurst so eloquently put it, there was a best yes.
As the restlessness continued in my heart, I found myself
wrestling with God. I straddled the fence, having one foot on the old and
familiar and the other on the new and unknown. I second-guessed myself for
weeks on end and did everything I knew to do. I prayed consistently, read the
Bible and asked for advisement from those who had been in my shoes before.
A good versus bad choice would be much easier than a good versus good. Because of that, indecisiveness camped out.
A good versus bad choice would be much easier than a good versus good. Because of that, indecisiveness camped out.
Pretty soon it dawned on me that though I did all the
checklist items, I was in my own way. I
hadn't let HIM do the work in me.
Our goal, as Christians, is to become more like Christ. This is so often a process that happens over time, unveiled by
peeling back layer after layer. Every circumstance we go through will
hopefully be a teaching lesson to mature us so we can discern what is best
until the day of Christ. (Philippians 1:10) So, I asked the Lord: "what do you want
me to learn through this?"
As I sought God’s heart, he began to sift some pretty ugly
things out of mine such as my motives and the worry that filled me because I
hadn't fully trusted Him.
When the muck is filtered
out, it allows direction to become crystal clear.
Eventually, the answer came, as it always does when we
earnestly seek the Lord’s will for our lives.
It’s always on time…His perfect time.
Though we may question, doubt and struggle to find the right
answers, He is there through all of it. No matter what stage of life we're in, we are never alone. When we aren’t sure what to do, we must
actively wait by seeking Him. If anxiety threatens to consume us, we combat
that by knowing God is in control and placing full trust in Him. And, if we find ourselves at a point of two good decisions, choose the one that will stretch an grow us bringing Him more glory and honor.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the freedom of choice. Please forgive me when I move ahead of you
and try to take the reins. I don’t want
to be anywhere or do anything that is outside of your will. If I should make a mistake, I trust that you
will get me to exactly where I am supposed to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Click below to listen to Colton Dixon's new song: "Through all of It." It's been a blessing to me and I hope it will for you all as well.